Need some help/advice.

Hey there.

I am really stupid when it comes to burning.

I figured out how to burn for my DC, but thats not the problem now.

I finally bought a huge Saturn bundle! It cost me a lot of money. Now, I need to sell the bundle.

I found someone who will buy it all, but then I'd be in the same place I started.

I don't know how to rip the Saturn games. I just finished reading the tutorial up above, but its all Greek to me. I don't have the time to do the trial and error thing, cause I need to complete the transaction by the 25th.

I own all of these games, even though I'm selling them, so technically, for the moment, its legal to copy them,.....right?? :huh

Anyways, I don't want to beg for the ISOs, but I don't want to waste my CD-r's either. If I screw up the copy, I'll have to buy more CD-r's, and I'm broke!

Is there a site where I can get them? Or, a place that would help me out with the process of burning them myself??

The real question is,...can I even play burned games on my Saturn??

What do I need? I have that import RAM cart, and a memory RAM cart.

Do I need an internal MOD??

What can I do?? I HAVE to sell these games, but I don't want to lose them.

I have proof that I own them, if that helps at all.

I only burn games that I own, so I don't damage them. Beleive me or not.

Please help me out. A friend told me that you guys were the all knowing.

Thanks so much!!!
I don't really care about the legality or morality of what you're doing - that's up to you to justify to yourself.

To copy Saturn CDs simply use CDRWin or Nero and do a direct CD copy. It's that simple. If that's too hard then perhaps you need a new hobby.

To play back the resulting copies you'll either need to fit a modboard or learn the swap trick. There's plenty of info on both in the forums. Have a read and learn. There are also swapping guides here.
As he said, any direct cd-to-cd copy will do. Just like an audio-cd :)

when you get a saturn again, will have enough time to learn about swap trick, so don't worry it's easy and possible to play those backups.