WTB: Sega Saturn Parts and import saturn systems


i'm hunting down some sega saturn parts. I'd like to get some stock of 32 Leg CD-ROM drives, any US systems made in April 1996, power supplies from all systems, controller port boards, and shells.

i'm *ESPECIALLY* interested in Model 1 (grey and blue, oval buttons) Japanese saturn shells and controllers and HiSaturn systems and controllers.

if you have any of these items, please contact me

thank you
I have a model 1 us saturn, not sure of the manufacture date sitting in a box under my bed. Worked 100% last I checked, if it's april (will check when I get home), I could probably be persuaded to part with it.
just out of curiousity, what is the rule of thumb datewise and model # wise for the different Saturn types. i mean, i know the oval button, round button thing, but if i knew exactly how to get a 21 ribbon with a 21 IC, i would be really happy. Would make the trips to the pawn shop lots easier. Thanks.

actually, nevermind, i just checked out the thread on this very topic. whoops. anyways, hope the saturn info guides continue to progress! On another note, if anyone has a 32 leg IC cdrom board (for a 21 pin system), i would be interested in buying it :) thanks
actually, we hit a sorta snag....only US saturns have the dates on them....all the JPN and PAL ones, according to reports, have no way to tell on the outside what month/year they were made. i want to look into the possibility of the serial number or something like that being a partial date code
