What is your favorite pig-based food product?


Established Member
I know I don't have nearly every kind of pig meat. Tell me what I missed before you vote for something else.
Wheres the pig brain... i want the pig brain... i voted bacon cause you aint got the pig brain.

We used to have a pig roast every year when i lived on the farm. And every year we'd eat every bit of it, cept the head. Till one year we said eh, lets try da brains. MMMMMMMMM, tasty pig brain.
oh and if any retards say pigs are smart... any fuckin' animal that thinks if its snout fits through a hole then the rest of its fat ass can, is stupid in my book.

Come on, all ya gotta do is put a bucket over its snout and hop on the bitch. He'll push is face into the bucket and walk forward, and all ya gotta do is turn da bitch and boom, free ride to town. There just aint no brakes.
bacon's the only one out of the bunch that I like that much.

But only when its cooked decent and isn't all mega greasy.
I voted ham.

Let me tell you a story about bacon that grossed me out.

I work at Bill Millers (BBQ place) and in our beans there is bacon. Well one day, me and this girl found a strip of bacon that was the pigs skin, and it still had hair on it and everything. It freakin grossed me out!
yeah bacon can be hit or miss. That's why I said only if it's cooked right.

But I don't care much for other pig products.

I'll only eat ham if it's thinly sliced like deli meat.
Originally posted by Cloud121@Jul 24, 2004 @ 08:08 PM

I'll eat anything that has Bacon in it...

Do you really have to be quite so broad?

Anyway, I voted pork chops, though I like bacon and ham sometimes too. Marinated, grilled pork chops are good.

There are a lot of things I love, simply due to them having bacon. So I just said, I'll eat anything with bacon..
I can't believe I forgot ribs, I love ribs almost as much if not more than bacon. And on a related note, for dinner tonight I had 10 strips of bacon and a handfull of peanuts, and now my heart REALLY hurts for some reason. :(