THPS3 - On N64

im interested, and i bet it will be the last US n64 game, if not from all over (i dont know, i dont pay attention to imports for n64 that much). What i want to know is Why cant they bring it to dreamcast?! actually, i do know the answer to that question. it wouldnt make enough money, and the dc is basically dead. i bet they could even manage to port the ps2 version to dc without too much of a performance hit. and even if they couldnt, i would buy a port of the ps1 version.... grrrrr... oh well, might have to buy the n64 version when/if it comes out anyway.
No kidding - leaving aside a debate over which system is "deader", profit margins are typically much nicer on disc-based games...
I *think* it could be due to two reasons.

Firstly, the N64 has a much larger installed userbase than the Dreamcast, therefore more potential customers.

Secondly, Nintendo hasn't discontinued the N64 like Sega has the Dreamcast. Nintendo is not nearly as bad at forgetting past consoles as Sega is.
Quote: from Karny on 4:28 am on May 13, 2002
Secondly, Nintendo hasn't discontinued the N64 like Sega has the Dreamcast. Nintendo is not nearly as bad at forgetting past consoles as Sega is.
that funny, since they dropped the virtual boy in around 6 months...... and why would they port a game to a system when the system would make the game look worse than the PSX version? not to mention the system is so old and they'll just keep making it on GC, cause then people HAVE to buy a GC to stay with nintendo and get THPS3.