Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike

In the runup days before Christmas, I think everyone should do someone or themselves a favor and buy/dig out a Dreamcast and buy/find this game. It's a measley 5 dollars new and 2.50 used. That's lunch money. Here's hoping for a another installment on the newer systems, until then, the shouts of the fans of this recent classic must be heard!!!
where do you pick the game up that cheap???

Buy me a few copies!

I'll give you $20 for two new copies :)

Great game, BTW!
Hell yeah, I love this game. A great fighting game with depth that still remains immensely playable by all. Not to mention the pumpin' tunes and stylin' graphics. It's too bad so few of SF2's fans adopted SF3- the Alpha series is good, but far inferior to the SF3 series.
must have been sealed or something...

never seen it that high

I'm still kicking myself for turning down one for $20 at Gamestop about a year ago...
GameCrazy is selling DC games for 2 bucks and up (Most expensive I've seen was around 8 bucks, Grandia 2 was 11 though). Used games for a buck fifty to 10 bucks. I'll definitely consider your offers though :D
Originally posted by Segavagabond@Dec 17, 2003 @ 12:06 AM

GameCrazy is selling DC games for 2 bucks and up (Most expensive I've seen was around 8 bucks, Grandia 2 was 11 though). Used games for a buck fifty to 10 bucks. I'll definitely consider your offers though :D

How do you order from them?

I see they have a store near me, but it's kind of out of my way.

If I'm unable to order them online, I will pay you $25 carefully shipped prioroty for two new copies. (I got first dibs)
I remember seeing acopy at an Electronics Botique six months ago or so... it was $8.75 in fair condition complete...

You're pretty lucky, this game is one of the most expensive DC games here. Rez and Samba de Amigo are more expensive, but that's about it.
Originally posted by racketboy@Dec 19, 2003 @ 02:32 AM

I don't think Samba is expensive unless it comes w/ maracas

The PAL version is. Even if you bought the US version here it'd cost you £40 or £50.
The worst thing is that a guy I know bought 4 of the PAL box sets when they first came out and now they'll cost you about £200. Smug bastard :damn:

Back on topic, what are the differences between this and 2nd Impact? I know Chun-Li's in it but I don't know much more than that.
Well, i just went to a Game Crazy store around here, the DC prices are a little above that of EB. The only actual good deal they had was Powerstone 2 for $12.99.