
I've been gone for a couple of months and nobody even started a thread in here? Man. I guess nobody wants to start a Nintendo music community via bittorrent or ftp. And there's no point posting in here in the future since it’ll be just talking to myself. :(

Well, if the mod is reading this, you have my blessing in removing this section sine I'm the only active member in here. ;_;
There are heaps of game related things that never get a decent sized community. Blame it on everyones ingorance/ lack of expanding videogame horizons, I guess.

Not that I'm one to speak, since I haven't even started a thread here yet :p But don't worry, I just thought of something interesting I could ask the community. So sit tight. Your thread is coming, Ian.
I'll be blunt, I've never even looked at this section for more than 5 seconds.
Also, take into consideration the ammount of registered (and active at that) users compared to SX.
Plus I (and I'm betting most people) get their fix at
I hope I didn't offend anyone.