Sega: It is The Law

Because Judge Dredd was the main attraction of 2000AD. And he's a lot cooler than he's portrayed in that pathetic excuse for a movie.
Where else has judge dredd appeared than in the movie? And not like that sad snes game cause that was based on the movie.
Where else has judge dredd appeared than in the movie? And not like that sad snes game cause that was based on the movie.

I beleive he appered as a comic book hero at some point, or maybe that was built on that cheesy movie. :rolleyes:

Just like Batman, The incredible Hulk and Daredevil never existed before their "movies".

Now that's sarcasm. :D

I own 2 copies of the first issue of Daredevil (Swedish), I should start my own thread, post a picture of your comic book-collection. hmm...
I have 35 long-boxes full of comics. I can fit around 500 in each box since I don't use bags & boards for most of them (only the ones worth more than $25 or so). So that makes for around 17,500 comics. And that's still not counting the 1800 or so TPB's and graphic novels filling up six sets of bookshelves. Do you really want me to post a picture of all that? My camera doesn't zoom back far enough, and your screen ain't big enough.

Never been a big Dredd fan. I've got a few issues of the craptacular US series that DC put out to cash in on the movie, and a few of Titan's newer TPB's of old 2000 A.D. stories. The character just never appeals to me, he's too simplistic for my tastes. As much as they messed up with the Stalone movie, they did get one thing right: he's a one-note, one-trick figure with no character to build on.

But the Cure song used in the credits was worth the $7 I paid to get into the theater to see the moive, anyway. LOL
Hey I'm not big into the action comic scene

The only comics i read are clerks, JTHM, ninja turtles and various graphic novels
As much as they messed up with the Stalone movie, they did get one thing right: he's a one-note, one-trick figure with no character to build on.

That is true, but it was the side-stories and the world Dredd lived in that made the comic interesting, not the character himself.