Revolution: funny idea...


Mid Boss
If the Revolution is going to have something completely different... And Nintendo's love of cross-system periphials... Here's an idea...

You hook the Revolution up to TWO televisions rather than just the one. Then they sell you the add-on unit to play the DS games on it.

Am I out of my mind, or would that not go right along with the other recent over-hyped ideas they've put out.

Though I do love my GBA Player and would like to eventualy be able to play the DS games on bigger screens, too.

BTW, this is just PURE CONJECTURE on my part. Nothing news-based here!!!
I think 2 tv's would be a bit much for a lot of people - perhaps they could have split screen DS support for TV's? That would be large enough..
Of course, thinking more about it, how would they pull off the touch screen?

Maybe some sort of mouse-like periphial?
That thing rocked!!! I remember they made a glove controller for either the N64 or PS, don't remember which. The thing was pure crap. :D