Problem mod chip sega saturn model2

hello,I have a problem with saturn model2 pal of square chip,put him the modchip v2,the test with a backup and work well,but afterwards the go back to light and listen a noise and the lens not working,him to ask a saturn to my friend to test the lens and the electrical transformer and work,it is a problem of the plate base sure, Somebody him happend the same or have some idea?thanks.(I have written this text with help of a translator if there is something bad writing sorry)
I can't really help you, but you should post the message in your native language also. It is possible that someone on this board may speak it.
69gothic_ said:
hello,I have a problem with saturn model2 pal of square chip,put him the modchip v2,the test with a backup and work well,but afterwards the go back to light and listen a noise and the lens not working,him to ask a saturn to my friend to test the lens and the electrical transformer and work,it is a problem of the plate base sure, Somebody him happend the same or have some idea?thanks.(I have written this text with help of a translator if there is something bad writing sorry)

hola,tengo un problema con mi saturn model 2 de chip cuadrado,le instalé el modchip v2,la probé con un backup y funcionava bien,pero mas tarde la encendí y escuche un ruido,la lente no se mueve ni se enciende.La lente y el transformador electrico los he probado en una saturn de mi amigo y si funcionan,es un problema de la placa base seguro creo que se ha quemado algo,he comprobado el cable de 21 pins en la saturn de mi amigo y funciona bien,he comprobado las resistencias de la placa base con un polimetro y estan correctamente,alguna idea de lo que a pasado?GRACIAS.