Phantasy Star Collection?


Staff member
Any info on it?
Will anything be added/subtracted?

I NEED info on this because I LOVE PHANTASY STAR!!!
Well, frrom what I have read the game will be a compilation of Phantasy Star 1,2,and 3. #4 isn't included in the package due to its extreme file size in comparison to its predecesors (#1=4mb, #2=6mb, #3=8mb, #4=24mb). I have also heard that PS4 will be released for the GBA, but will be sold seperatly from the PS Collection. No word yet on any improvments/additions to the games.
Quote: from Fabrizo on 11:45 pm on July 2, 2002

Well, frrom what I have read the game will be a compilation of Phantasy Star 1,2,and 3. #4 isn't included in the package due to its extreme file size in comparison to its predecesors (#1=4mb, #2=6mb, #3=8mb, #4=24mb). I have also heard that <span style='color:yellow'>PS4 will be released for the GBA, but will be sold seperatly from the PS Collection.</span>Nice =) More money for Sega.
THQ will release Phantasy Star Collection for GameBoy Advance in November. The compilation includes Phantasy Star 1 - 3, the GBA version will offer both the original version and the enhanced version of the three games. There is also a new Save feature which allows you to store the save data of each title separately.
Being a proponent of pure ports I like the availability of the original version as an option. *hint hint Squaresoft*
Genesis games typically have a resolution of 320x224

GBA has a resolution of 240x160.

If they're not going to do anything to enhance the graphics for GBA, it's going to look like utter crap.

edit: I noticed a blurb in an IGN article that said that they would have included PS4, but "the 128 Megabit carts are too expensive". Last time I checked, 4+8+12+24 is 48, which would fit in a 64Mbit cart, even allowing for some porting bloat...

(Edited by ExCyber at 9:04 pm on Aug. 24, 2002)
I have purchased the game and I have all of the originals and I must say that they are exact I haven't noticed any enhancements... but I keep you guys posted...