How many nipples do you have?

I voted two...

but I had a third at one time, then in a mishap with my brother he accidently cut it off.

Well the stabbing wasn't an accident, but the loss of my nipple was. He was stabbing me cause when I threw my NES controller at the TV in anger it bounced and knocked his plate of steak all over the floor and the dog ate it. So he sliced me twice with the steak knife... one was kinda deep. Kinda sucked.
Wow, thanks to this thread I just learned the most awesome word:


n : the condition of having more than the normal number of nipples .

FWIW, I have only a rather boring pair of nipples. I did know a girl in high school who had three, however. I always thought it was rather unusual, as I have never encountered anyone else with supernumerary nipples (to my knowledge, that is). Apparently it's not all that uncommon, though.
I have about 20 or so.

...Of course, most of them go on bottles with formula in them.