hey im new to this

if he plays online he probably didn't 'find' it he was probably 'given' it. If it's the item I'm thinking of it's really really rare and anyone who has one is probably either a hacker or was given one by a hacker.
You got it from the dragon? Or on a run? Because I've heard it being picked up on a run but not from the Dragon O_O

Man, just a note to everyone out there...if you become a purplenum ID...good luck. All I find is L&Ks...from EVERYTHING.
Yeah I'm purplenum too, but I've maanged to find a couple of the different special mech guns, a justy, and that dragon slayer so far.
Hmm for a Purplenum I'd say that Dragon Slayer find isn't bad...in all my 129 levels of purplenum I haven't found one.

I had an entire collection of Varistas at one point...if they had sold for more than a measly 10 meseta I could've been rich.
18! Ha, keep you going I suppose. Mine was full of monogrinders/digrinders/trigrinders till the fateful day when I lost a lot of stuff and had to go back to basics grinding stuff on the way. At one point I had well over 50 mono's in there with an extra 20 or so digrinders and 10-15 trigrinders. May not seem like much, but it was over half my box full of grinders.
ARGH! Now I'm cursed, I just founde 2 varistas in like 10 minutes =/

Edit: make that 5 varistas found tonight, as well as like 6 db's sabers, and then a bunch of stuff for forces.
Is the Dragon Slayer all that great? I gave it to my nephew because I found a BOLRGOROG or something like that. I give him alot of good stuff because when we fight together I usually take all the items. he's only 8 and I'm trying to get him to understand how some items are better than others, and how some are completely unnecessary.

But yeah, at level 32, I've found the PHOTON CLAW, the BORLROGER or something, and the DRAGON SLAYER.
That Blogorg...whatever the hell it is, isn't a sword type, it's a saber type so replacing one for another wouldn't make too much sense.

Like previously said, it's all to do with your section ID and your section ID is determined by what name you chose for you character...

At level 32 finds like that aren't half bad! Course, I'm Purplenum...so I would say that =\ If you want him to understand, why don't you just teach him the easy way? Just say this has better stats than that, so you don't need that. Or this has a useful extra attack which could come in handy, so I'd hold onto that. Unless it isn't all as easy as that...

Oh and Scared0o0Rabbit, you've picked up the curse of the Varista =D soon it will move onto L&K14 Combats so watch out. Congrats on the v.hard as well.
He's getting a lot better, i've noticed that he's feeding his mag while he's on the run and stuff, which i'd say is pretty good for him. What I'm trying to get him to drop the dagger weapons for now, he doesn't have very good ones and he tends to get himself in the middle of trouble with them. But like anyone with anything, he's learning. The only problem is that he doesn't like to play by offline by himself. And I don't want to let him get carried away playing with strangers; i've caught him in the lobby reading a conversation he probably shouldn't've, haha.
Ha, it's fair enough I suppose. It's more interesting when you're with other people. Feeding Mag on the run eh? Not bad at all...it seems to take people a while to realise the full potential of a Mag =S well at least they people I've tried to teach to play...
If I recall the Last Survivor isn't as good as the Dragon Slayer...but for a find it's not too bad at all! Well, if it beats any classic (claymore etc etc) stuff then well done :)