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  1. T


    Did they translate all (or most) of the RPGs? I'm seeing lots of similarities between the games.. Shining Force has menus similar to Shining the Holy Ark, and both are similar to Dragon Force.. so I ask.. was this an agreement to create regulation by Sega or was it an insider thing..?
  2. T

    Of Ripping CDs...

    Ok, I was attempting to rip some Saturn games (they're all Japanese, Langrisser IV Limited Edition, Langrisser Dramatic Edition, and Dragon Force II) when my computer, upon inserting these games, started making strange buzzing noises and subsequently froze. I looked on the back of the game CD...
  3. T

    Not sure if anyone's asked..

    Not sure if anyone's asked.. How do you compress game files so they can be zipped up and used easily? Or am I missing something and you just put them all into a zip file?
  4. T

    New Forum is teh shit.

    Love the new forum layout. Great look. Keep up the good work. =)
  5. T

    About 3DOXtreme, Nintendo Xtreme, and Sega Xtreme

    I just have a question, or rather, maybe a friendly request, but is it foreseeable that Nintendo Xtreme, Sega Xtreme, and 3D0 Xtreme may integrate into a singular board rather than three individual message boards? Or perhaps just a choose your board or some such thing? As currently, having three...